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Industrial Policy in India

TOPIC: GS PAPER-3; Indian Economy

TOPIC: GS PAPER-3; Indian Economy

The Indian manufacturing sector has evolved drastically in the past few years and has become one of the high growth sectors of India. Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, had launched the ‘Make in India’ program to place India on the world map as a manufacturing hub and give global recognition to the Indian economy. India is expected to become the fifth largest manufacturing country in the world by the end of year 2020. Such a tremendous growth has made majority of foreign nations positive and confident of India’s manufacturing industry, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group.

No major country managed to reduce poverty or sustain growth without manufacturing driving economic growth. This is because productivity levels in manufacturing are much higher than in either agriculture or services. Manufacturing is an engine of economic growth because:

  • It offers economies of scale
  • Manufacturing pulls along services, instead of the other way around.
  • A decline in the manufacturing sector growth rate will negatively affect the growth rate of the services sector, in both the short-run and long-run.
  • Manufacturing development not only promotes the incentives of savings, but also accelerates the pace of technological accumulation.
  • Embodies technological progress and generates forward and backward linkages that create positive spillover effects in the economy.
  • Enhances the utilization of human capital and economic institutions.
  • It offers economies of scale
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  • Manufacturing pulls along services, instead of the other way around.
  • A decline in the manufacturing sector growth rate will negatively affect the growth rate of the services sector, in both the short-run and long-run.
  • Manufacturing development not only promotes the incentives of savings, but also accelerates the pace of technological accumulation.
  • Embodies technological progress and generates forward and backward linkages that create positive spillover effects in the economy.
  • Enhances the utilization of human capital and economic institutions.
  • In India manufacturing has never been the leading sector in the economy other than during the Second and Third Plan periods. The US and Europe after the 2008 crisis with the efforts of Government have revived their industrial policies. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development or UNCTAD finds that over 100 countries have, within the last decade, articulated industrial policies. However, India still has no manufacturing policy. “Make in India” focuses on increasing foreign direct investment and ease of doing business but that does not constitute an industrial policy.



    • Need to coordinate complementary investments when there are significant economies of scale and capital market imperfections (for example, as envisaged in a Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor).
    • Industrial policies are needed to address learning externalities such as subsidies for industrial training (on which we have done poorly).
    • The state can play the role of organiser of domestic firms into cartels in their negotiations with foreign firms or governments — a role particularly relevant in the 21st century after the big business revolution of the 1990s (with mega-mergers and acquisitions among transnational corporations).
    • The role of industrial policy is not only to prevent coordination failures but also avoid competing investments in a capital-scarce environment. Excess capacity leads to price wars, adversely affecting profits of firms — either leading to bankruptcy of firms or slowing down investment, both happening often in India (Example- the aviation sector). Even worse, price wars in the telecom sector in India have slowed profits (even caused losses), which hampers investment in mobile/Internet coverage of rural India where access to mobile phones and broadband Internet, needs rapid expansion.
    • Industrial policy can facilitate the much needed structural change which are blocked by losing firms in a fast-changing environment.
    • The state’s role will be critical to manufacturing growth in India, knowing the success story of India’s IT industry. The government invested in creating high-speed Internet connectivity for IT software parks enabling integration of the Indian IT industry into the U.S. market. It allowed the IT industry to import duty-free both hardware and software. The IT sector has the benefit of low-cost, high-value human capital created by public investments earlier in technical education. Without these, the IT success story would not have occurred. These offer insights to the potential for industrial policy in India.
  • Need to coordinate complementary investments when there are significant economies of scale and capital market imperfections (for example, as envisaged in a Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor).
  • Industrial policies are needed to address learning externalities such as subsidies for industrial training (on which we have done poorly).
  • The state can play the role of organiser of domestic firms into cartels in their negotiations with foreign firms or governments — a role particularly relevant in the 21st century after the big business revolution of the 1990s (with mega-mergers and acquisitions among transnational corporations).
  • The role of industrial policy is not only to prevent coordination failures but also avoid competing investments in a capital-scarce environment. Excess capacity leads to price wars, adversely affecting profits of firms — either leading to bankruptcy of firms or slowing down investment, both happening often in India (Example- the aviation sector). Even worse, price wars in the telecom sector in India have slowed profits (even caused losses), which hampers investment in mobile/Internet coverage of rural India where access to mobile phones and broadband Internet, needs rapid expansion.
  • Industrial policy can facilitate the much needed structural change which are blocked by losing firms in a fast-changing environment.
  • The state’s role will be critical to manufacturing growth in India, knowing the success story of India’s IT industry. The government invested in creating high-speed Internet connectivity for IT software parks enabling integration of the Indian IT industry into the U.S. market. It allowed the IT industry to import duty-free both hardware and software. The IT sector has the benefit of low-cost, high-value human capital created by public investments earlier in technical education. Without these, the IT success story would not have occurred. These offer insights to the potential for industrial policy in India.
  • India is an attractive hub for foreign investments in the manufacturing sector. Several mobile phone, luxury and automobile brands, among others, have set up or are looking to establish their manufacturing bases in the country. The manufacturing sector of India has the potential to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2025 and India is expected to rank amongst the top three growth economies and manufacturing destination of the world by the year 2020. With impetus on developing industrial corridors and smart cities, the government aims to ensure holistic development of the nation. The corridors would further assist in integrating, monitoring and developing a conducive environment for the industrial development and will promote advance practices in manufacturing.

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    What demotivates aspirants is the idea that at least 4-5 attempts are a must to qualify UPSC CSE EXAMS. This is absolutely incorrect. It’s true that this exam demands time to prepare but that’s not more than 2 to 3 years. It’s a learning process where you will make multiple mistakes and so, would need time to rectify them too. Most aspirants do not realise this fact and waste their attempts with inadequate preparation, which in turn, demotivates them. So, you need a mentor to guide you in this journey and tell you WHEN TO START and HOW TO START your preparation. Also before knowing what to study an aspirant has to first know WHAT NOT TO STUDY in this era of overflooded information around us. This is where the role of a Mentor becomes all the more important so that you do not waste your crucial time reading unnecessary content.
    Aspirants often have a misconception that at least 13-14 hours a day must be given to this exam. Again, this is not true. UPSC preparation is journey of not only gathering knowledge, but also of overall character and personality development. So, if you utilise 13-14 hrs a day only in studying, you won’t get time to interact with the outside world and evolve properly and this wouldn’t help in the training process. Diligent engagement of 5-6 hrs a day would be enough for the preparation and that’s why KAVISH IAS suggests its students to start planning from their graduation only, as regular practice will definitely help you reach your goal.
    Many Institutes recommend starting UPSC preparation from 6th standard NCERT books and go through graduation level textbooks, which is not true. Also, the aspirant is prescribed to go through the entire newspaper every day. Reading so much of hefty content on a daily basis is a tedious and boring job to do. Such misconceptions only waste the aspirant’s valuable time and money. Each individual is different and accordingly he/she should be suggested where to start from. Coming to current affairs, news reading and its analysis is a skill that needs to be taught in the beginning, and with time the aspirant can himself decide what to read and how to read. Analysing and jotting down the essentials becomes easy for the student after a few months.
    Another myth that students fear is that ‘UPSC IS DIFFICULT AND ONLY IIT OR TOP COLLEGE GRADUATES CAN CRACK IT ’. UPSC is open for graduates from every stream and doesn’t prefer anyone based on his/her background. So if you are willing to dedicate your time in this preparation, you can surely succeed in this exam with a good rank.

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