Indian Economy
Electoral Bonds and Electoral Trusts: What are they, and how do they differ?
EBs and ETs are nothing but means to aid in investments by companies or people of India towards political parties. What are ELECTORAL BONDS? EB scheme was implemented in 2018. Anyone in the country could donate funds to political partiesRead More »Electoral Bonds and Electoral Trusts: What are they, and how do they differ?
TOPIC: GS PAPER-3 ; INDIAN ECONOMY Jobless growth is defined as a phenomenon where the economy of a country grows but its unemployment rate remains stubbornly high. India has been witnessing this paradoxical pattern of economic growth where the economyRead More »JOBLESS GROWTH
TOPIC- GS PAPER-3 ; INDIAN ECONOMY Why in News: Given India’s population density and modest health infrastructure, the government had no option but to order a complete lockdown when corona virus reached India’s shores. As the country stayed indoors, the economyRead More »OPPORTUNITY IN CRISIS