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Governor’s Rights –Against the state?


Governor is the executive head of the state. Thus, all the executive powers of the state are vested with him. Recently, a question mark has been raised on his discretionary power. Four states had taken shelter under the SC to check on the misuse of the power by the Governor. Governors of states viz. Punjab, Kerala, Telangana & Tamil Nadu withheld the bills of the state Government. Though Governor is the executive head but real head of the state is the Chief Minister.


Constitution provides the governor with some Legislative powers regarding the bills. Article 200 states that Governor can (a) grant asset to bill, (b) withhold the bill, (c) return the bill or (d) reserve for consideration by President.

How long a Governor can withhold the bill?

Article 200 reads as follows: “When a bill has been passed by the Legislative Assembly of a State, it shall be the presented to the governor and the Governor shall declare either that he assents to the bill or that he withholds the assent there from or that he reserves the bill for consideration of the President.”

Hence, article 200 uses the word “shall” which indicates the mandatory function of the governor. Moreover, Rule 102(1) mentions that governor must consider or return the bill of the state with recommendation and speaker must inform it in the session.

Can the Governor use his discretionary power?

Governor is provided with various discretionary powers according to the Indian Constitution. However, according to Shamsher Singh case (1974) it was stated that Union and state executives to exercise the power with accordance to aid & advice of the council of ministers. Hence, withholding the bill is a discretionary power to the Governor as the advice of ministers are non-binding to him.

Recommendations by the Commissions

Sarkaria commission (1987) has mentioned that reservation of bill for the President can be done when it is necessary. Additionally, Punchhi Commission (2010) states that Governor must take a decision within six months if a bill is presented to him by the State Legislatures.

How to resolve these issues?

India is a Federal country with Unitary bias. This can be easily concluded by the grey office of the Governor who acts as a nominee of the Central Government. Furthermore, central Govt. can check the State govt. with the help of this office, which hampers the Federal nature of the nation. Withheld of bill by the governor is being observed in such states where the state Govt is from the opponent party of the Central. Justice DY Chandrachud had given the time to RN Ravi, the governor of Tamil Nadu to made his statement. 1st Dec, 2023 the hearing will start. SC had come into play in order to resolve this matter.


Kavish IAS

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What demotivates aspirants is the idea that at least 4-5 attempts are a must to qualify UPSC CSE EXAMS. This is absolutely incorrect. It’s true that this exam demands time to prepare but that’s not more than 2 to 3 years. It’s a learning process where you will make multiple mistakes and so, would need time to rectify them too. Most aspirants do not realise this fact and waste their attempts with inadequate preparation, which in turn, demotivates them. So, you need a mentor to guide you in this journey and tell you WHEN TO START and HOW TO START your preparation. Also before knowing what to study an aspirant has to first know WHAT NOT TO STUDY in this era of overflooded information around us. This is where the role of a Mentor becomes all the more important so that you do not waste your crucial time reading unnecessary content.
Aspirants often have a misconception that at least 13-14 hours a day must be given to this exam. Again, this is not true. UPSC preparation is journey of not only gathering knowledge, but also of overall character and personality development. So, if you utilise 13-14 hrs a day only in studying, you won’t get time to interact with the outside world and evolve properly and this wouldn’t help in the training process. Diligent engagement of 5-6 hrs a day would be enough for the preparation and that’s why KAVISH IAS suggests its students to start planning from their graduation only, as regular practice will definitely help you reach your goal.
Many Institutes recommend starting UPSC preparation from 6th standard NCERT books and go through graduation level textbooks, which is not true. Also, the aspirant is prescribed to go through the entire newspaper every day. Reading so much of hefty content on a daily basis is a tedious and boring job to do. Such misconceptions only waste the aspirant’s valuable time and money. Each individual is different and accordingly he/she should be suggested where to start from. Coming to current affairs, news reading and its analysis is a skill that needs to be taught in the beginning, and with time the aspirant can himself decide what to read and how to read. Analysing and jotting down the essentials becomes easy for the student after a few months.
Another myth that students fear is that ‘UPSC IS DIFFICULT AND ONLY IIT OR TOP COLLEGE GRADUATES CAN CRACK IT ’. UPSC is open for graduates from every stream and doesn’t prefer anyone based on his/her background. So if you are willing to dedicate your time in this preparation, you can surely succeed in this exam with a good rank.