China-Pakistan Nuclear Deal: Threat to INDIA
CHINA is aiding Pakistan in setting up its new nuclear power plants in Punjab. But there are some concerns that are bothering other global powers about this deal. Some of which ae as follows:
Before addressing these questions, let us first get into the basics of the news
Now the points that raises brows is that why all these power plants have been aided by only China? Why Pak can’t rely upon other nations for the same? The reason is, Pakistan doesn’t fulfil the criteria to be qualified for setting up a nuclear power station.
Who sets up these rules??
Its NSG i.e. Nuclear Suppliers Group. This body governs the Nuclear Export Regime by setting up guidelines for the transfer and collaboration of the nuclear power, which if not monitored or restricted with stringent instructions, can lead to international massacre. The repercussions then, will be lugged by the upcoming generations which wouldn’t mind the borders but would spread across. This problem is being resolved by NSG. Overall, a total of 48 countries are its participants, and INDIA and Pakistan are not among them.
But why is that so….
Because the NPT defines nuclear weapons states as those that tested devices before 1967, and India tested for the first time in 1974 in Pokhran. This was one of the strategies planned by the then superpowers to weaken India’s status in becoming a competent party among the greatest nations of those times. Hence, the clause of NPT, didn’t allow India to become a nuclear-weapon state.
So, 5 states are recognized by NPT as nuclear weapon states (NWS): China (signed 1992), France (1992), the Soviet Union (1968; obligations and rights now assumed by the Russian Federation), the United Kingdom (1968), and the United States (1968)
Coming to the NPT rules. What are they?
Basically, NPT has 3 elements:
Which summarizes to ‘Not using NUCLEAR POWER for attack’.
Although we are not NSG members, we are waived by the organization to set up Nuclear power plant, because with the advocation of UNITED STATES, we were able to pledge in accordance with the NPT rules.
Now the question arises, that how can PAKISTAN, a state with financial crisis, not a member of NSG, and not pledging with the NPT rules is being constantly backed by CHINA, to set up nuclear reactor, where china is against INDIA to be included in NSG?
The entire globe is pondering over China’s actions towards other nations, and indeed there needs to a firmer organization that would standardize the policies for setting up a nuclear reactor in any state.
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